
We are available to collaborate with you!

Kate Barker

Email Kate she is available to speak on the following topics:

PrincipalED: Navigating the Leadership Learning Curve

How to Set up Social and Behavior Supports so Everyone is Successful

Multi-Tiered Systems and Structures for Academics and Behavior

Effective Data Team Meetings: It’s All About the Personalities

The Power of Preschool: You Have a Preschool, Now What?

Supporting Inclusion in a General Education Setting

Trauma Informed Practices: Taking Care of Yourself so You Can Take Care of your Students

Kourtney Ferrua

Email Kourtney she is available to present on these areas:

PrincipalED: Navigating the Leadership Learning Curve

Rigor & Joy: Experience turning around a diverse high poverty school by focusing on high leverage strategies and love

Powerful Coaching: Leveraging instructional leadership through peer observations and clarity

Mindset Matters: Leveraging growth mindset for student success

Rachael George

Email Rachael she is available to speak on these topics:

PrincipalED: Navigating the Leadership Learning Curve

Your First 100 Days: What you need to know when you land your first principal job

Academics, Attitude, and Attendance: How to Develop a Culture of Growing All Kids

Keeping Classrooms Safe, Calm, and Learning: Strategies to Integrate Social Emotional Learning

Trauma Informed Schools: Strategies for schools and classrooms to support the whole child

Math that Works: Using Reteach and Enrich to Excel Math Learning for Students

The Trials, Tribulations, and Successes of Proficiency Based Learning