About Us

How this book came to be...

We are three administrators from different regions of Oregon who met through our state's Coalition of School Administrators. Our connection was immediate with a synergy of ideas and strong sense of sisterhood. We shared the value of high expectations for teaching and learning with deep love and appreciation of educators.

We recognized that this camaraderie was an incredible gift. Being a principal is equal parts awesome and hard. Collaborating and amplifying one another made us stronger and helped us to navigate our individual learning curves.

We are passionate about the replication of success. We wrote this book because we believe that every principal who is willing to put in the work can achieve incredible outcomes for kids. We want to be on your team because your leadership matters immensely!

Kate brings almost 30 years of experience as an educator in an urban setting. She has served at Cherry Park Elementary for 11 out of her 17 years as a principal.

Kourtney works in the rural area of Oregon's wine country. She was principal of Wascher Elementary for 6 years and now serves in the district curriculum department.

Rachael brings 10 years of experience as a principal, currently serving the rural community of Sandy Grade School near Mt. Hood. Rachael is the President Elect for Oregon's Coalition of School Administrators.